7 Gallon Containers

Our 7 gallon gray steel pail is the largest steel pail we stock.  It is a closed head (tight head) pail with a Rieke opening.  It is a lined pail, with an olive drab phenolic lining.  The UN rating is UN1A1/Y1.6/280.  As with all our steel pails that have a Rieke opening, the flexspout is sold separately.

More detailed information on this type of pail and closure can be found by clicking on one of the links below.



Flexspout Shown on 1.5 Gallon Steel Pail

7 Gallon Gray Tight Head Steel Pail with Rieke Opening

 Rieke Flexspout- sold separately


For more information on Rieke spouts, please click here.


For a complete list of our steel pails with Rieke openings, please click here.











This has been an article on containers by size.


Categories: steel drums | steel pails

Author: Gail

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