New Steel Drums for Sale – Open Head, Tight Head, Lined and Unlined

Yankee Containers has new steel drums for sale. We stock open head and tight head steel drums. Drums are available both unlined and with linings. All the drums listed below are UN rated for hazardous substances. The UN ratings are divided into two categories: hazardous solids ratings and hazardous liquids ratings. We stock one drum, however, that has a dual UN ratings for both hazardous liquids and hazardous solids. That drum is our item number MSD5-23-01. More information on this drum with dual UN ratings can be found in this article. Drums are stocked in 15, 30 and 55 gallon sizes. In the description of each drum you will find the UN rating as well as whether the drum is lined or unlined, and also what type of lining the drum contains. One our 55 gallon drums is a composite drum. That drum is our item SPP55DPBKW1823 and it is UN rated for Packing Groups I, II and III. More information on our composite drum can be found in this article. As always, compatibility of the product with the container is the responsibility of the shipper.
- 55 Gallon Steel Drum With Olive Drab Phenolic Lining- Showing plug – MSD5-22-01
- Top of 55 Gallon Steel Composite Drum – SPP55DPBKW1823
- 55 Gallon Steel Drum with Buff Epoxy Phenolic Lining – MSD5-21-01
- 55 Gallon Unlined Open Head Steel Drum
- Bolt RIng on 55 Gallon Open Head Steel Drum – MSD5-23-01
- Top view of 15 gallon closed top unlined steel drum
15 Gallon
Tags: composite steel drums for sale lined steel drums for sale new steel drums for sale open head steel drums for sale steel drum with dual UN ratings for sale tight head steel drums for sale unlined steel drums for sale Categories: Featured Packaging | steel drums
15 Gallon Black/White Steel Round 0.5mm 24 GA Open Head w/Lever Locking Ring
Item: SDO0015GC2U001
UN Rating: 1A2/X193/S & 1A2/Y1.5/150
Opening: Open Head
Pack: 1
This is an open head steel drum. The cover is removable and it is a solid cover with no bungs or fittings.
15 Gallon Black/White Steel Round
Item: SDC0015GB2U001
UN Rating: 1A1/X1.4/300 Y2/300
Opening: Tight Head
This is an unlined steel tight head drum. It is black in color with a white top. The cover does not come off. It has a 2 inch and a 3/4 inch steel plug with polyethylene gaskets. It has a rust inhibitor. This type of drum is commonly used for storage of grease or similar liquids.
30 Gallon
30 Gallon Black/White Steel Round .9mm 20 GA
Item: SDC0030GB2U002
UN Rating: 1A1/Y1.4/300
Opening: Tight Head
This is an unlined steel tight head drum. It is black in color with a white top. The cover does not come off. It has 2 inch and a 3/4 inch nylon bungs with gaskets
30 Gallon One Coat Buff Epoxy Phenolic Black/White Steel Round 18 GA
Item: SDO0030NP2L001
UN Rating: UN1A2/Y300/S
Opening: Open Head Bolt Ring
Pack: 1
55 Gallon
55 Gallon Steel Round PE Insert
Item: SDO0055MA2L003
UN Rating: UN1A2/Y1.5/100
Pack: 1
This drum has an .8 Mil Red Phenolic lining coating the drum and it also has a smooth wall polyethylene insert and cover disk. This is an open head drum. The cover is removable and is held on with a bolt ring. UN Rating UN1A2/Y1.5/100
55 Gallon Black/White Steel Round .9mm 20 GA - 1.1mm 18 GA Unlined
Item: SDC0055GB2U003
UN Rating: 1A1/X1.8/300
Opening: Tight Head
Pack: 1
This is a closed head drum. The cover is not removable. It is unlined and has one 2" and one 3/4" Trisure steel plug with irradiated PE gaskets.
55 Gallon Buff Epoxy Phenolic Black/White Steel Round 1.1/0.8/1.1mm - 18/20GA
Item: SDC0055GB2L008
UN Rating: 1A1/X1.8/300
Opening: Tight Head
Pack: 1
This is a closed head drum. The cover is not removable. It has one 2" and one 3/4" Trisure steel plug with irradiated PE gaskets.
55 Gallon Green Phenolic Black/White Steel Round 1.1/0.8/1.1
Item: SDC0055GB2L002
UN Rating: 1A1/X1.8/300
Opening: Tight Head
Pack: 1
This is a tight head drum. The cover is not removable. It has one 2" and one 3/4" Trisure steel plug with irradiated PE gaskets.
55 Gallon Composite Drum
55 Gallon Black Steel Round Composite
Item: SDC0055MA2L001
UN Rating: 6HA1/X1.6/300
Pack: 1
This is a steel/poly lined composite drum. The inner polyethylene container is blow molded in one piece to help insure product purity.
MOQ 100 Pieces