Advantages of Using Steel Pails and Drums for Packaging

There are many advantages to using steel pails and drums for your packaging needs, and we stock a variety of steel pail choices. Among our selections we stock:
- Open head
- Tight head with Bungs
- Lined
- Unlined with Rust Inhibitor
- Tight head with Rieke Opening
- UN Rated for Hazardous Product
- Non-UN
- Plastic Lined
- Dish Covers
- Lug Covers
- Lever Locking Rings
- Pull Spout Pail
Steel is tough, reliant and economical. When strength is an important factor in product packaging, there is no substitute for steel pails and drums. They are resistant to fire, making them a great choice for flammable and combustible materials. We stock lined steel pails with epoxy phenolic linings, red phenolic linings, olive drab phenolic linings and clear phenolic linings. You can find specific information on our different linings by clicking here.
For a complete list of our steel pails, please click here.
- Steel Pails with Rieke Opening
- Green Steel Pail Shown With Spouted Lug Cover
- combination packing group 1 steel pail 2-12-01PGI
- CSCP2-10-01 Pullout Spout Extended
- Lug Cover With Steel Pail -Clear Phenolic Lining
- Pail Shown With Spouted Lug Cover Dish Cover and Lever Locking ring
Tags: advantages of steel pails bungs clear gold phenolic lining combination packaging composite packaging dish covers epoxy phenolic lining lever locing rings lined steel lug covers olive drab phenolic lining open head steel plastic lined red phenolic lining rieke openings rust inhibitor spouted straight sided steel tight head steel unlined steel
Categories: steel drums | Steel Pail Linings | steel pails