Black and Green 29 Gauge Light Weight Steel Pails

We stock two 29 gauge light weight steel pails.  One pail is green and the other is black.  Both are unlined, with only a rust inhibitor and both have no UN designation.  Typically pails like these are used in house for storing parts or mixing products.  They are the least expensive pails in the steel pail line we currently carry.  Lids, if needed, are sold separately and listed below.  Because these pails are non-un, any lid would be suitable.  Another way to reduce costs is to use a pail liner when mixing product.  Sold separately, and listed below, these pails liners are used and then thrown away.  This allows the pails to be used multiple times.  Cover options include both lug covers and dish covers.  The dish cover must be used with a lever locking ring if you need to secure the lid to the pail.  One of our lug covers has a pour spout.  As always, compatibility of the product with the container is the responsibility of the shipper.  Please call for a sample for testing with your product.

29 Gauge Black Steel Pail

29 Gauge Green Steel Pail

Steel Covers

Pail Liner




Categories: steel pails

Author: Gail

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