Plastic Barrels and Drums for Sand, Salt and Ice Melt

Winter weather in New England brings to mind cold weather and snow storms.  This is the time of year that you will see plastic barrels and drums located throughout an apartment or condominium complex or on street corners.  Our 30 and 55 gallon open top plastic drums are made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and are extremely rugged and durable.  Our gasketed covers, along with our lever lock rings, help to keep moisture out of the drum, keeping the product dry.  These drums are an excellent choice for:

  • sand
  • rock salt
  • ice melt

Ice melt may contain potassium chloride, sodium chloride (rock salt), calcium chloride, magnesium chloride or even a blended product with some combination of one or more chemicals.  It is important to keep the ice melt away from as much moisture as possible.

Simply remove the lever lock ring, lift the cover off and take out as much sand, salt or ice melt as necessary.  These drums are easy to use and reuse and strong enough to last.





Categories: plastic barrels | plastic drums

Author: Gail

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