UN3A1 Packaging

We stock a 1 gallon F style tin can with a UN designation of UN3A1/Y1.2/100.  This F style tin can takes a 1.125 Beta cap.  The UN designation can be broken down as follows:

  • UN = United Nations
  • 3     = Jerrican
  • A     = Steel
  • 1      = Tight Head
  • Y     = Packing Group II or III
  • 1.2   =Maximum specific gravity of the liquid this container has been tested to hold for 5 minutes
  • 100 =Maximum hydrostatic pressure the container has been tested to hold for 5 minutes

1 Gallon F Style Tin Can w/1.125 Beta Opening



This has been an article on containers by UN rating.






Categories: tin cans

Author: Gail

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