Pails and Jerricans
We stock pails, drums, jerrican, plugs, bung, crimpers, pumps, cubitainers, carboys, hedpaks, flexspouts, lug crimpers, flexspout,...
Fiber Drums with Locking Rings
Fiber drums with locking rings are also referred to as Lok-Rim drums. This type of fiber drum has a cover that is secured to the base of...
Fibre Barrels
We stock fibre barrels in sizes from 1 gallon to 55 gallon. Among the styles we stock are: Standard all fibre – No metal parts,...
Fiber Drum Packaging Solutions
Our Greif fiber drums can be a solution to several of your packaging requirements. Fiber drums are commonly used in the chemical,...
Fiber Drums Manufactured by Greif
Greif manufactures industrial packaging. They produce steel, plastic, fibre, corrugated containers and more. They have more than 200...
Large Drums
We have received several inquiries asking if we carry large drums, and most frequently the calls are asking for drums made of either...
Looking to Buy Fiber Drums?
If you are looking to buy fiber drums we can help. We have a large selection of All-Fi® (all fibre) drums, Lok-Rim® drums (steel cover...
Screw Top User Friendly Plastic UN Pails/Buckets
Our high density polyethylene screw top plastic pails (buckets) are user friendly and offer maximum convenience because of their twist and...
Fiber Drums – A Description of Various Styles
Fiber drums are available in different styles such as All Fiber, Lok-Rim, Weatherpak and Liquidpak. All Fiber drums are popular as they...
Fiber Barrels for Sale
Are you interested in storing dry products or solid materials? Many of our customers use fiber (also known as fibre) barrels to store dry...
Fibre Drums with a Locking Cover
Fiber Drums with a locking ring are referred to as Lok-Rim® fibre drums. We also stock standard all fibre drums, all fibre transport...
Child Resistant and Senior Friendly Plastic Pails
Our 3.5 gallon and 5 gallon Twist & Lock pails have a unique closure system that passes child-resistant and senior-friendly...